Step 1: Notification
Student will receive notification of SAP suspension via email and text. It is the
student’s responsibility to have a valid email address and current phone number on
Step 2: Appeal
Student must log in to StudentForms account to complete the SAP Appeal form. Required
documentation must be attached, or it is an automatic denial. If there are issues
with Student Forms, please email to make us aware.
Step 3: Registration
Upon notice of approval, student should contact the advisor and register for courses.
How To Write a Successful SAP Appeal
Your Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) appeal explanation must include the following:
- Explain what happened (Why were you unable to maintain satisfactory progress?)
- Explain what has changed (What have you done or will do now to maintain satisfactory
academic progress?)
If this is not your first appeal:
- Your explanation must include information about what has changed since your last appeal.
- Please note that all students are only allowed three (3) SAP appeals while attending
Tips for writing your appeal explanation:
Admit the problem: Take a good look at your situation to determine what has kept you from making satisfactory
academic progress. Perhaps you were dealing with an illness. Admit the problem and
explain how things will change if your appeal is approved.
Important Notes: Lack of awareness of withdrawal policies, not knowing the requirements for satisfactory
academic progress, car trouble or unpreparedness for college coursework will NOT be
accepted as reasons for the purpose of an appeal.
Your SAP appeal explanation must match with the dates in which you were put on SAP
Attach any relevant supporting documentation: This may include a doctor's statement, hospital bill, obituary, death certificate,
photographs, police report, etc.
Valid reasons for SAP appeal:
- medical emergencies
- severe health issues
- severe personal or family problems
- financial or personal catastrophe
- death in immediate family
Example of a valid explanation:
SAP Appeal Explanation Statement
What happened:
On September 20, 2023, I was the victim of a hit and run. This incident left me with
a broken arm and broken leg. I had to be hospitalized for three weeks. After being
released from the hospital, I began physical therapy and had to attend three days
a week for six weeks. Not only the injuries, but the stress that comes with it and
not knowing who hit me interfered with my ability to attend classes. As my classes
were online, I could not use my hand to complete the work due to the broken arm. I
was unable to complete that semester, and that is what affected my academic progress.
What has changed:
I have completed physical therapy, and my arm and leg have both healed. I am also
no longer stressed about the situation because the police caught the person who hit
me. I am now ready to continue my coursework and fulfill my goal of getting my degree.
I will study and work extra hard to achieve this.
Documents to attach:
- A copy of the hospital bill showing the dates of hospital stay
- A statement from the physical therapist indicating therapy schedule
- A police report of the incident
Contact Information:
Email Address:
Fax Number: (662) 627-9871
Phone Number: (662) 621-4200
*Coahoma Community College Office of Financial Aid is located on the south side of
the first floor of the Vivian M. Presley Administration Building.